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camp of the good shepherd

how you can help

Sponsor a child to
attend camp ($70 each)
Sponsor a
Camp Team

The dream to develop a Christian Camp and Retreat Center became a reality early in 1998 with the purchase of property in Lotrioara, Romania. The Camp of the Good Shepherd is now in its 23rd year of operation providing orphans and children in desperate need with a Christian camping experience to cherish for a lifetime.

The Camp of the Good Shepherd provides:


- A safe haven to explore God's creation

- A loving environment to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus

- A model of Christian compassion by our loving volunteers and staff

- An opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasures of childhood: to run barefoot in the grass, splash in a creek, sleep in a cabin, and sing by a campfire.

American teams from all over the United States volunteer two weeks of their time serving at camp during the summer. They are responsible for leading games and crafts, singing songs and performing skits, sharing their testimonies and praying for and with the children.  A Romanian team is also at camp, partnering with them as they translate and minister together.


The camp is fully funded by donors so not a single child is turned away from attending this priceless opportunity each summer. We want each child in the State Placement Centers to have the chance to learn about how they have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and that is only made possible by the many faithful volunteers and donors to our ministry.


Are you interested in supporting the Camp of the Good Shepherd and providing for a child to attend camp?  A whole week of camp for one child including: room and board, camp tee shirt, craft and game supplies, hygiene items is only $70. Your gift could make all the difference in the world for that child!

fully funded
by donors

want to volunteer?

Heart of Hope 

Ministries International

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